A Beginner’s Guide to SEO/SMM

24 July 2021by ample


We are the No.1 company for SEO/SMM services.


In a nutshell, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about getting the most out of search engines, particularly their results pages. We, Ample eBusiness provide SEO/SMM services like:


  • Site Layout and Architecture
  • On-page factors
  • User experience UI/UX
  • Link building
  • Site speed optimization
  • Google my business listing
  • Search engine console and analytics
  • Online Review Management
  • Social media marketing strategy
  • Video optimization



What is meant by SEO?


SEO is a type of “organic” search, in which the results are from ordinary websites that haven’t paid for a higher ranking on the results page.


  • There are over 4 billion Google searches made on a daily basis on various different topics
  • On top of that 53% of people click on the first organic search position in google


That’s the importance of Google search engine rankings which can be achieved with proper SEO usage with time.


What is SEM?


Search engine marketing signifies using search engines to boost the popularity of your website, resulting in more traffic and, in turn, more money. While SEO focuses on “organic” approaches, SEM encompasses all facets of search engines, including Google AdWords, Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. It isn’t incorrect to suggest that SEO is merely a subset of SEM.



Why should you go for SEO services for your business and website?


When we talk about SEO and its marketing potential, we’re talking about how well a company’s or business’ website compares to its competitors in terms of search engines. A website that places a strong emphasis on SEO will appear higher in search results than one that pays less or minute attention to the system. SEO leads have approximately 14.6% close rate, on the other hand, outbound leads (for example, direct electronic mail or print advertising) have a close rate of 1.7%.


Why is social media marketing a part of SEO?


The boom of Social Media happened in the last few years. Since then, there are lots and lots of people on social media. Statistics say that:


  • There are 4.33 million Monthly Active social media users worldwide
  • That roughly 55% of the global presentation and population
  • The increase in this percentage is more than 30%


Thus, users have been very engaged on social media. So, to improve your SEO and attract more users, a proper, well-dedicated social media marketing strategy is the hour of need.



How does SEO work?


People visit your website for relevant information they can use to make firm purchase decisions.


People want:


  • Compelling attractive content with lots of visuals and creatives
  • Web design that is creative yet user-friendly
  • Trustworthy websites with valid information


But this is not what is understood by the robots in the search engine of Google. Robots or bots specially designed by Google rank your site for search engines by scanning your website’s index and code.


Robot wants:


  • Unique content
  • Relevant keywords
  • Descriptive HTML (Titles, descriptions, headers)
  • Clear site architecture
  • Quick load times
  • Working URLs
  • Trustworthy


Thus, SEO is achieved when your website contains information that is relevant to both human visitors & search engine robots.


How to aim for good SEO?


We aim to provide good SEO/SMM by providing you with fine-tuned SEO services in each of the following aspects.



Site Layout and Architecture:


  • Content should be clear and upfront: Keep the content organized. Create a content hierarchy
  • Avoid ads above the fold: Ads are a great means to generate income. But beyond a certain limit, ads become too annoying to the users
  • Keep Clear Navigation: Users often get lost when the content is clumsy and filled too much. The navigation should be clear without any hindrance
  • Keep no-follow to paid & affiliates links
  • Keep URLs SEO friendly: The URL must have the focus keyword
  • Keep Contact info visible: To do so include privacy policy and about page intact so that people can trust your authenticity and presence


Keyword Research


Proper Keyword Research:


  • Choose keywords wisely: The number that displays below the search is the number of times that particular keyword is searched. Greater the number, the higher the competition
  • Keep the main keyword per page: Every page should have a different primary keyword so that the ranking can be unique for a particular keyword
  • Check title competition
  • Steal competitor’s keywords: To succeed, you need to wisely incorporate your competitor’s keywords
  • Monitor your CTR


Use Title Tags


  • Front-load your keyword: The keyword should be mentioned in the beginning of the title
  • Avoid truncation
  • Make it clickable
  • Add brand name at the end
  • Don’t repeat the keywords again and again in the title
  • The title tag formulae are Focus keyword | secondary keyword | Brand name
  • Keep the title under 60 characters: Or else it won’t be visible completely


Title Tags and Meta Description


Tips for Meta Description


  • Write it concise and crisp: Such that it follows a call to action message and the user opens the link prompt upon reading that call to action statement
  • Avoid truncation
  • Include focus keyword: Meta description must contain the focused keyword
  • Keep it within 160 characters: If you go beyond 160 characters, then the entire text won’t be visible


Header Tags


Header Tags


  • Place unique H1 tags on each page
  • Use the focus keyword in H1
  • Use LSI keywords in H2 and H3
  • Avoid header tags in the layout




The content


  • The content is the king. So, to make it like a king, these SEO tips must be followed
  • Focus keyword should be in the first paragraph
  • Long content correlates with higher rankings: Though the minimum word count for any article to rank is 300. However, it is advisable that a word limit from 800-1200 is the best
  • Use keyword density
  • Use LSI Keywords: Apart from the main keyword, add the synonyms, some points related to the keyword which users frequently search on the internet
  • Add internal and external links: Also known as inbound links, which means the hyperlinking to a page within your website domain. And outbound linking means linking to a page outside your website, for example, Wikipedia, etc.
  • Prioritize quality over the frequency: It means that the keyword must be spread out evenly rather than being used or stuffed at the same place again and again
  • Set up rich snippets and structured data: If your data isn’t structured or organized properly, it will be visible to any user. This will serve as a red flag and the user will hover to some other page


User Experience


User Experience


  • Lower your bounce rate: If your data isn’t structured or organized properly, it will be visible to any user. This will serve as a red flag and the user will hover to some other page.
  • Use scroll maps software: NO one would like to keep on moving to the next page by clicking a button. In these times, everyone prefers scrolling, all thanks to social media. So, integrate the scrolling feature in your UI with the scroll maps software. Also use heat maps tracking
  • Minimize pop-ups: Pop-ups are excessively annoying and will lead to a higher bounce rate.
  • Make site mobile optimized: 90% of the population have their mobile phones in their hands for the majority of the time. So, if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, no one is going to take the pain to move over a laptop to open your website.
  • Set up friendly 404 pages: The error 404 and other relevant errors should be fixed as it leads to the loss of many potential users.


Link Building


  • Build links from Topically related sites, high domain authority sites,
  • Follow competitor back links
  • Links within the content
  • Diversity your links and anchor the links
  • Search for broken links and fix them: Broken links harm your SEO and should be fixed early.


Link Building and Content Promotions


Content promotion


  • Do proper research about the most popular content in your niche, Keep updating it with time with some minor modifications, or keep changing the data if the content is related to some old data.
  • Shareable assets lead to more links: For example, you can make info graphics as they are a useful way of providing info. All the important and relevant information in just a single graphic.
  • Email outreach: Use email marketing as a tool to maintain a cordial relation with your existing customers
  • Share content from other valuable sites: You can do so by adding the “Read about, Read more”.


Google Penalty Recovery


Google Penalty Recover


Recovery from penalties is not straightforward and you should be very vigilant when removing links, or de-indexing pages, etc. If in doubt, consider using the services of an experienced SEO consultant.


  • Check for traffic drops: If your traffic keeps declining, you need to be serious about it.
  • Remove thin content:
  • Remove bad links
  • Disavow links
  • Check for hacks
  • File a consideration request



Increase in SMM adoption


This year, the number of social media users has increased by 50%. And social media access via mobile devices has also grown 17% or 283 Million users over a year. Making it one of the largest marketing expenditures, alongside content and search engine marketing. This massive influx of new social media users is no doubt a critical factor for any business that wants to have a brand presence online. Thus, social media marketers have allocated 10.6 % of their budget solely to social media activities only.



Fuel up Video Engagement


Creative & infographics video content, ensuring you gain the more & more advantages


  • Video captivates – visitors view videos before they read text, then stay longer on a site as a result.
  • Video enhances the consumer’s confidence in a product or service.
  • Video content is shareable and gives you the wings to reach a larger audience and better SEO ranking.
  • Video helps you bring across your message more clearly and in a more memorable way


Conclusion: Video is a force to be reckoned with!


Final Thoughts


Ample eBusiness is a full-service web design and web development agency with a dedicated focus on creating websites that are Responsive, Secure, and Results Driven. We utilize the latest technology which in turn guarantees fantastic results for the clients we help and support. We pride ourselves in a great work ethic, integrity, and most importantly end results.


Ample eBusiness has been trading for over 6 years, in this time our experienced team of designers has been able to create hundreds of stunning, sometimes award-winning, web designs, e-commerce web development and mobile applications in multiple verticals, giving our clients the leading edge and exponential growth in an ever-changing online marketplace.


“We focus on what we do best”

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